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XFS Limited at COP26

XFS Admin

‘Understand the problem and model the risk’ – Ibrahima Cheikh DIONG (United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Group Director General African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group

‘If you want to go fast, go it alone. If you want to go far, work as a team’ – Dr Martin Kipping (Head of Climate Policy – German Federal Ministry for Co-operation and Development)

By invitation we joined Ibrahima and Dr Martin at the African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group’s COP26 Lectures, hosted by Professor John Struthers (Centre for African Research on Enterprise and Economic Development) at the Western Club, Glasgow.

Dr Martin was joined on a panel of speakers by Loretta Hieber Girardet (Chief Risk Knowledge Monitoring and Capacity Development and United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)) and Eva Kavuma (Chief Operating Officer – African Risk Capacity).

It was a hugely informative and eye-opening experience, where we explored some of the challenges and risks African countries are facing as world temperatures continue to increase.

Following the lectures, we spent some time with Loretta and Dr Martin, generally discussing climate change and the fact that most participants in this topic tend to be politicians, scientists and/or activists.

What do we really know and feel encouraged to do as businesses? Now more than ever, it is the responsibility of us all to do what we can and actively take steps and reduce the carbon footprint of our businesses.

Well, after this we are inspired to look at our business and our practices. XFS Limited is committed to having a real positive impact and today our first step was to appoint our Environmental Impact Panel.

Please follow us. Don’t miss our Panel’s upcoming posts as we take you on our journey towards ‘Net Zero’.

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